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Red Kite Learning Trust


Digital Leaders

Copyright Oatlands Junior School (42)

Welcome to the home of Oatlands Junior School’s recently elected Digital Leaders.

We’re looking forward to meeting throughout this year to discuss Computing in school and hone our skills, ready to support our teachers and peers in Computing lessons. This year, we'll be getting to know our new scheme of learning, Purple Mash, becoming iPad experts and planning activities for Safer Internet Day in February.

Watch this space to find out more! 

Click here for useful Online Links

wakeupwednesdayexamplesThe Digital Leaders have chosen to focus on Online Safety this year. We will be thinking about different ways we can share information and skills with children to keep themselves safe at all times. Digital Leaders have spoken to their classmates and found out all the ways in which children use connected devices in school and at home.

Digital Leaders (website)

Digital Leaders

Andrew Morley

Mr Drew Morley


On Tuesday 11th February, the nation celebrates Safer Internet Day and we will be supporting this with various activities. The whole school will be joining the BBC Live Lesson for the morning and learning all about living with AI (Artificial Intelligence). The Digital leaders will begin to create informative videos that will help everyone to stay safe online. Keep tuned to  X to find out more on the day.

Oatlands Junior School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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