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Red Kite Learning Trust
Copyright Oatlands Junior School (16)


Sports Crew

Sports Crew

In addition to our Sports Crew's role in PE lessons, their focuses this year will be to support school sporting events and active travel initiatives. They will help promote the half-termly Walk to School Days by Zero Carbon Harrogate, to inspire all pupils, staff and parents to regularly take active journeys to school. They will help record the active journeys made on these days. By joining in, we hope to promote our community’s physical and mental wellbeing, as well as our hopes for a greener planet. Sports Crew will also assist with the running of sporting events at school, such as sports afternoons and competitions to further develop the culture of sport at Oatlands Junior School. 

Each half-term, Sports Crew make brilliant posters like the one below to promote Walk to School Day.

They display them in their classrooms and are in charge of reminding their classmates to travel actively each Walk to School Day.

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OJS PE (2)

OJS PE (1)

24 March W2S Certificate

Sports Crew will also be working closely with our Eco Committee to promote, and record their classes' results for, Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel.

This is the UK's largest inter-school walking, wheeling, biking and scooting to school competition. Similar to Walk to School, this competition aims to increase children's physical activity levels and to reduce air pollution in neighbourhoods using active travel. However, this competition will be taking place from Monday the 20th of March until Friday the 31st of March, and there are big prizes to be won! 

OJS PE (5)

Oatlands Junior School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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