- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Handbook
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Our School Day
- Supporting Learning at Home
- Behaviour and Relationships
- Calendar
- Start of Year Parents Information
- Online Safety at Oatlands
- Safeguarding
- Food in School
- Uniform & Appearance
- Music Tuition/Encore
- Fun Club
- Parent Information and Forms
- PTA Information
- Transition
- Online Payments
Uniform & Appearance
We like to foster a feeling of community and identity within our school. For this reason, we ask you to send your child wearing school uniform.
Required uniform:
- Trousers, shorts, knee length skirt, culottes or pinafore in plain grey or black
- Jade green school jumper or cardigan with OJS logo or plain navy jumper or cardigan
- White blouse or shirt
- White or navy polo shirt with OJS logo or plain white or navy polo shirt
- Black school shoes (no trainers, unless it is your child’s PE day)
- White, black or greysocks
Optional Summer Uniform:
A dress in check pattern can be work in the summer (blue or green).
Required PE Uniform:
To alleviate changing time and ensure that children get maximum use of their allotted PE time, we ask children to come into school in their PE kit on their designated days. They will wear this all day.
- Plain T-shirt in their house colour e., red, blue, green, yellow (no football shirts).
Children will be informed on Y2/3 transition day or new starter date, which house team they are in. (You can also buy a coloured t-shirt with the school’s logo on.)
- Navy shorts (not skorts).
- Navy blue or black jogging bottoms or thick running leggings for outdoor PE in colder weather.
- Navy blue-zip up top for outdoor PE in colder (You can also buy a navy school hoody, with the school’s logo on.)
- White, black or grey socks
Recommended PE Uniform:
- We recommend that children wear black, white, or navy thermal underlayers during colder months.
Required Swimming Kit:
- Trunks, not shorts.
- Full one-piece swimming costume, not
- A towel
Recommended Swimming Kit:
- Goggles and a swimming cap
Please ensure that all items of clothing and footwear worn in school are clearly identified by name.
Bags, packed lunch boxes and water bottles:
We welcome children to carry their belongings and packed lunch boxes (if not having school dinner) in a school bag of their choice and encourage water bottles to be brought into school. These can be re-filled in the classroom throughout the day. For children who do not have a water bottle, jugs of water and cups are provided in the classroom.
Back-packs and reading book bags with the school logo on are available from Emblazon: https://www.emblazon.biz/webshop/schoolwear/harrogate/oatlands-primary-school/
Each child is allocated a named locker which is fixed in each class cloakroom where they will be able to keep their school bag, coat and any after-school club attire.
Expectations for Jewellery and Hairstyles:
Boys and girls with collar length hair or longer, or fringes across their eyes, will be required to tie or clip their hair back for all PE activities.
For health and safety reasons children may only wear:
- A wristwatch (not Smart Watch for e-safety reasons).
- One pair of small stud earrings.
These must always be removed for PE and swimming.
It is recommended that if children get their ears pierced, this should be in the summer holidays. This will allow time for them to heal before returning to school so they can take them out for PE and swimming lessons. If for any reason, children cannot remove their earrings, parents should provide their child with micro tape to cover the earrings for safety reasons and communicate this to the class teacher.
Where to purchase it
Items with the logo on are currently available from Emblazon: https://www.emblazon.biz/webshop/schoolwear/harrogate/oatlands-primary-school/
Generic items are accepted, and branded items are not required.
Non-branded items of uniform can be obtained from local chain stores, second-hand retailers or at any other educational outfitters.
PTA and second-hand uniform
Branded and non-branded uniform can also be obtained from our second-hand uniform rail in school.
Lost Property
Lost property is placed in a large red box located in the Y5/6 corridor.
It is the children’s responsibility to check lost property for items they have lost.
Parents are welcome to check the lost property box at the end of the school day. Please enter the school via the school office.
At the end of each half-term, unclaimed items are sorted by the PTA. Labelled items are returned to school to be passed on to the pupils. Items of school uniform, including coats, which are deemed to be serviceable will be graded and laundered for sale, with the proceeds being donated to the PTA. Any remaining items will be disposed of via responsible recycling or charity shops.
We also have a large white re-cycling clothing bank at the school gate and welcome any donations. School receives a monthly payment depending on weight of clothing donated, which we use to replenish our stocks of spare school and PE uniform, as well as purchasing OJS sports kit worn by individuals or teams in sporting competitions.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Handbook
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Our School Day
- Supporting Learning at Home
- Behaviour and Relationships
- Calendar
- Start of Year Parents Information
- Online Safety at Oatlands
- Safeguarding
- Food in School
- Uniform & Appearance
- Music Tuition/Encore
- Fun Club
- Parent Information and Forms
- PTA Information
- Transition
- Online Payments