Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)
Learning about ourselves and others
Vision for PSHE
At Oatlands Junior School, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children. We want to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they already face and for adult life. We will provide them with information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically. We will encourage our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment.
For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to experience success, enjoyment and embrace learning in PSHE, barriers to learning and participation are removed through additional support and / or adapted provision.
Long Term Plan
Key Vocabulary
PSHE Lead - Claire Fretwell
How PSHE is taught and what it looks like at OJS
PSHE is taught weekly at Oatlands Junior School by the class teacher. Lots of our lessons are taught using ‘Jigsaw’, a spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work. There is a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Each year group has its own Jigsaw friend, a cuddly jigsaw piece (Jino, Jaz, Jez or Jem) that comes out for every lesson and sessions will often begin with the sound of a chime bar and some calming mindfulness. Different themes are covered every half term and include: Being Me In My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me.
At OJS we also promote PSHE through national campaigns, such as Children’s Mental Health Week, Anti-Bullying Week, Children In Need to name a few.
What your child will leave OJS knowing, understanding and appreciating in PSHE
We aim to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever changing world. We hope that through the teaching of the different threads in the PSHE and RSE curriculum, children will learn strategies to help them stay safe and healthy and be able to manage their personal and social lives in a positive way. Key areas are revisited so children can gain a good understanding of how to be healthy, how to create respectful relationships and how to look after their mental wellbeing. PSHE teaching, along with our OJS school values, develops the children’s understanding of kindness, integrity, generosity, tolerance and honesty.
Throughout their time at Oatlands Junior School, pupils will spend time on the following key areas:
mental wellbeing, internet and safety harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention, basic first aid, changing adolescent body, families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships, being safe.
What pupils at OJS think about PSHE
“I like talking about emotions” – Year 3 pupil
“I like how every lesson is so different” – Year 3 pupil
“I like Jigsaw at OJS because I get to share my feelings with others” – Year 4
“It calms me down” – Year 4
“It helps me understand what I am feeling and how I can control my feelings” – Year 5
“It helps me keep a healthy mindset” – Year 6 pupil
“I like letting go of all my worries” – Year 6 pupil
Latest from PSHE
Water Safety
As part of Drowning Prevention Week, on Tuesday 18th June, all the children in school took part in an online virtual workshop run by Yorkshire Water. It was a really informative event where the children found out more about how to stay SAFE around water - Stay Away From the Edge. Safety by rivers, by canals, at the beach and by reservoirs was covered. Other areas that were touched on were the dangers open water poses, such as cold water shock, hidden undercurrents and unseen operational machinery, as well as how to keep themselves and their friends safe and what to do in an emergency situation. A really informative workshop.