Mrs Scarth
Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead and Prevent Lead
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Our School
Oatlands Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We expect everyone who comes into contact with children, their families and carers to share this commitment in safeguarding our children.
In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
It is everyone’s job to safeguard children. Please let the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or a senior leader in school know, if you have any concerns about any child. If you are unable to contact any of these members of staff, please call Children and Families' Service on 0300 1312131. |
Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead and Prevent Lead
Deputy Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead
Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion Lead, Y3 Leader, 3 Owls, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead, Designated Teacher for Looked After/Previously Looked After Children
Year 5 Lead and Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead
Year 4 Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Learning Mentor and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Senior Mental Health Leader and Designated Safeguarding Lead
The school’s filtering and monitoring service provides a filter for children, staff and visitors preventing them from accessing potentially harmful online content. As outlined in the statutory guidance, KCSiE (2023-24) and the Red Kite Learning Trust (RKLT) Safeguarding policy, schools are required to do ‘all they reasonably can to limit children’s exposure to the above risks from the school’s IT system’. We apply an international standard filtering software through our provider, Talk Straight, to all online activity via the school’s network on school owned desktop PC’s and 1:1 devices.
The Talk Straight filtering package is compliant with the Internet Watch Foundation’s URL blocked list and the Home Office Terrorism Block watch list. Practically, this means that over 240,000 websites are restricted from access and this list is updated daily. Web filtering blocks access to potentially harmful online material by categorising online content using key terminology and targeted words e.g. pornography, gaming, gambling and social media.
We ask that all children and parents sign and abide by the school’s Online Acceptable Use Policy, which provides a clear set of protocols and expectations for the use of 1:1 devices both inside and outside of the school setting. The following disclaimer is published by the UK Safer Internet Centre: “It is important to recognise that no filtering systems can be 100% effective and needs to be supported with good teaching and learning practice and effective monitoring”. Schools need to “be careful that “over-blocking” does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what children can be taught with regards to online teaching and safeguarding.”
Monitoring of children’s online activity is strengthened through the addition of a daily electronic Prevent report. This will alert designated school staff if there has been an access attempt to a filtered website through the school’s network and allow them to investigate further.
In addition to centralised filtering, all schools retain the autonomy to identify specific websites that they wish to additionally filter from both children and staff usage. It is the responsibility of the DSL, in conjunction with the nominated Online Safety lead, to ensure that this is communicated with the RKLT’s IT team.
The Prevent Duty is about ensuring that appropriate support is available for individuals who may demonstrate vulnerabilities to radicalisation. This is an extension of the safeguarding process in the same way that schools help to safeguard young people from child sexual exploitation, drugs, and other forms of harm.
At Oatlands Juniors we build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British Values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, school provides a safe space in which children and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments.
We have close links with a number of agencies based in the Harrogate area. We have strong working relationships with social care and the members of the health service. The Headteacher is the designated person responsible for child protection. If an issue is raised of a child protection nature, the adults concerned will usually be informed depending upon the nature of the referral. However, in some cases direct contact might be made with social services.
We recognise that all families can have times of crisis and might need the support of professionals. We encourage our families to let us know if they are experiencing difficulties and we will do our best to put them in contact with the relevant agency. Referral can be made for many different reasons and support provided in order to prevent issues from escalating. If you feel you would like their help, please contact the Headteacher.
A small problem to an adult can seem enormous to a child, and can often be quickly sorted out. Therefore, it is important that a child tells someone who can do something about it. Please make sure that your child knows that we do listen and there are several options if your child feels uncomfortable about approaching a specific person. We have ‘Need to Talk’ posters around school, reminding children of these options. Similarly, as a parent, if you feel there are any problems please don’t let them develop - do come and talk to us sooner rather than later.
The advice I would give to new children is that you can tell somebody anything, if you have a worry. |
Evie, Year 3