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Red Kite Learning Trust


Food in School

Copyright Oatlands Junior School (2)

Helping to keep your child healthy

Our cooked school meals are provided by Hutchinson’s Catering services. School meals are paid for in advance. The cost of a school meal is £2.85 per day. We encourage you to make half-termly payments.  Continued failure to make payment when due, will result in your child being unable to have school meals. Meals are ordered and preparations begin at 9:30am. If you are attending a hospital or doctors/dental appointment and expect to be back by lunchtime - please let us know. No refunds can be given for meals if they have not been cancelled by 9:30am. Further details about the school catering service and the most up to date menus and cost of meals, can be found below. 

Welcome newsletter Oatlands Junior Sept 23     Introduction to Hutchison Catering 

Here are the school menus

We operate on a 3 week rolling menu and children make their food choices daily.

Primary menu - Autumn 2024 week 1 Oatlands junior

Primary menu - Autumn 2024 week 2 Oatlands junior

Primary menu - Autumn 2024 week 3 Oatlands junior


My favourite thing is the lunches; they are great and we order them each morning on an iPad!

Pupil, Year 3

Packed Lunches

Packed lunches are taken in the main hall. Lunch boxes should be placed on the trolleys provided in the classroom as school begins. Lunch boxes should be collected after the end of lessons at 3:30pm from the classroom. Please make sure that your child’s lunchbox is clearly named and that drinks are in an unbreakable container or carton and that a spoon is provided for yoghurts etc.


As a ‘Healthy School’ the children have decided that sweets should not be brought to school. Snacks for play times are definitely encouraged, however we would prefer that you encourage your child to bring a piece of fruit rather than a bag of crisps for their break.


Oatlands Junior School is providing a milk scheme, through ‘Cool Milk’ that is available to all of our pupils and we would like to invite you to register your child. This is available at a subsidised price of around £15 a term.




Drinking Water

We have drinking water available to each class. Each child is encouraged to bring a labelled plastic drinks bottle, which they can keep in class so that they can drink throughout the day.

Free School Meals

If you get certain benefits, your child could also qualify for free school meals during all school years. To qualify you must be receiving:

  • Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods (£616.67 per month)
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guarantee element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are also not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual household gross income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by HMRC)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

Please note that contributions-based benefits, including contribution-related Jobseekers' Allowance do not entitle you to claim free school meals.

Click the link below for more information.

NYC Free School Meals

Dietary requirements

To ensure your child is catered for safely each day, Hutchinsons are school caterers will need to collect some essential information about their dietary requirements. A form to do this is accessible below or from the School office ​

Managing Special Diets in primary schools- parent information

 If the special dietary need is a medical need (e.g. allergy or intolerance), please also provide a note from a health professional (Doctor or Dietician) confirming your child’s needs. We will not be able to process this request without this information. This will then be passed on to the catering team who will work with the Company Nutritionist and Operations Manager to assess whether it is safe for us to cater for your child. If you child has a care plan please also pass this onto the school office who will pass this onto the school inclusion manager and if necessary will arrange a time for you to meet with them to discuss this further. We will do our upmost to cater for all children, where it is deemed safe to do so, and individual menus will be put in place for each child registered with us as having a special dietary requirement. However, on occasion we may feel it is not safe to cater for a child. This decision is not taken lightly and will always have the safety of the child as the highest priority.  

Nut Free School

We are a nut free school, and this decision has been approved by our governing body, however our position is not to guarantee a completely allergen free environment, rather: to minimise the risk of exposure, encourage self responsibility, and plan for effective response to possible emergencies. We are committed to no food and drink sharing.  We aim to protect children who have allergies and therefore do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes. This means the following items should not be brought into school:

  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter or Nutella Sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
  • Sesame seed rolls (child allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
  • Cakes made with nuts
  • Any home cooked meals for packed lunches that are made from nuts

The school kitchen are also nut free. Whilst we cannot guarantee freedom from nut traces, this does mean that no nuts are used in any of the food prepared on site at our school. Additionally that our suppliers provide us with nut-free products.

Please see below the different types of nuts and further documentation from anaphylaxis UK

  • Almonds 
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachio
  • Cashew nuts
  • Brazil nuts
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Pecans
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Nut oils



Food allergies

We are also aware that our children may suffer from  other food allergies. Allergies have consequences for the sufferer which range from irritating to life-threatening and whose impact can worsen with repeated exposure. Therefore, all allergies will be taken seriously and dealt with in a professional and appropriate way. Please note we cannot give out any sweets  brought form home as treats. Homemade snacks or party food contributions must have a label detailing all ingredients present and the kitchen environment where the food was made must be nut free. If you are unsure about a selection please speak with a staff member before bringing the food item into school. All children are regularly reminded about good hygiene practice of washing hands before and after eating which helps to reduce the risk of secondary contamination . Likewise, children are reminded and carefully supervised to minimise the act of food sharing with their friends. 

Oatlands Junior School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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