- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Handbook
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Our School Day
- Supporting Learning at Home
- Behaviour and Relationships
- Calendar
- Start of Year Parents Information
- Online Safety at Oatlands
- Safeguarding
- Food in School
- Uniform & Appearance
- Music Tuition/Encore
- Fun Club
- Parent Information and Forms
- PTA Information
- Transition
- Online Payments
Supporting Learning at Home
The school encourages home learning and children are expected to learn weekly spellings, read widely, learn their mathematical tables, to practice musical instruments and research class topics.
Supporting your child at home with their learning is a valuable and important activity. Please help your child by:
- Setting time aside to support and encourage your child
- Talking with your child about their current learning and interests.
- Hearing your child read and reading/sharing stories with your child.
- Taking them to the local library.
- Encouraging your child to look up words they don’t know in a dictionary and find information on their own.
- Involving your child in activities which support the maths curriculum such as shopping, baking, working out the cost of an annual holiday.
- Taking your child to places of interest.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Handbook
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Our School Day
- Supporting Learning at Home
- Behaviour and Relationships
- Calendar
- Start of Year Parents Information
- Online Safety at Oatlands
- Safeguarding
- Food in School
- Uniform & Appearance
- Music Tuition/Encore
- Fun Club
- Parent Information and Forms
- PTA Information
- Transition
- Online Payments