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Red Kite Learning Trust


Emergency Closure Procedures

Information for Parents: Emergency Closure Procedures 2024-25

Please keep the following information to refer to as needed.


In the event of extreme weather conditions that may restrict staff and pupils travelling to and from school. Or in any emergency that may necessitate the closure of the school the following procedure will be followed to ensure the safety of children, parents and staff.

The Headteacher / Assistant Headteacher will make a decision, as early as possible, for the need to close the School. This will be a last resort, usually only if the heating has failed or because of serious understaffing. More usually the decision taken will be to open the school later, at 10:00am, to enable staff to get in

School will contact Your Harrogate Radio who broadcast regular bulletins advising parents of a later start (10:00am) or School closure. School will also notify parents via School Text Messaging service and School Website.

  1. Children who arrive at School accompanied by a parent/carer at the normal start time will be required to return home and wait until the situation is assessed, in normal circumstances by 9:30am.  The Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher will inform parents that the situation is being assessed and why.
  2. Children who arrive at School unaccompanied by a parent/carer at the normal start time will be required to wait in the main school hall until 9:30am, when a decision is made about which classes are open and closed. Parents will then be contacted to collect their children from the main reception.
  3. Emergency contact numbers will be used and pick-up arrangements will be logged.  If parents cannot be contacted the child/children will remain in School. We will keep trying to contact parents / carers.
  4. It is desirable that children are accompanied to School in bad weather to ensure their safety on the way to School.
  5. Parents wishing to collect their child early will be able to do so from 2:00pm onwards to enable them to get home safely in daylight. Parents must report to the School Reception and sign their child out.
  6. Please can parents / carers update School as soon as possible if there are any changes to contact details and numbers. Thank you.

Information for parents ~ issued November 2024

snow day

Oatlands Junior School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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