Reading for Pleasure
Our Vision
At Oatlands Junior School, we want our children to develop a love of reading. We encourage them to view reading as a social activity through which they can relate to and empathise with perspectives other than their own. Our Reading for Pleasure practice is informed by research from The Open University and the UK Literacy Association’s Teachers as Readers study. We want all adults and children at Oatlands Junior School to feel they are part of our Community of Readers here at OJS.
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Keshia Starrett
Implementation of OU/UKLA Reading for Pleasure Practice at Oatlands Junior School
Social Reading Environments
- Pupils at OJS have access to a large variety of books and texts in different spaces, including the library and book corners in every classroom.
- Y3/4 and Y5/6 classes have partnered up and meet every half term to read together.
- Staff have started their own half termly Book Club.
Reading Aloud
- Pupils benefit from having class stories read aloud to them every day.
- Pupils regularly have opportunities to read aloud in lessons.
Independent Reading
- Pupils attend library slots where they have chance to select and read books of their choice.
- Pupils have time in class to read independently each day.
Informal Book Talk, inside-text talk and recommendations
- Each class has a Reading Ambassador who shares what they are currently reading and makes recommendations to peers regularly. Each Ambassador also updates their Recommended Read poster in their classroom on a termly basis.
- Teachers display which children’s book they are currently reading on their class desks to encourage book chat between teachers and pupils
- The library has a ‘recommended reads’ display which is updated and maintained by Reading Ambassadors, using suggestions from peers and classmates.
- We have a collection of books for children to share and read outside at playtimes.
- Staff can share and exchange books via the book swap space in the staff room.