Visits outside school
This year, all children in Years 4 and 5 will go for swimming lessons at the newly refurbished Harrogate Leisure and Wellness Centre. The children will work towards being able to swim a distance of at least 25m; use different strokes; learn about water safety and perform safe self-rescue. Our children always enjoy these sessions and make us beam with pride at their determination and resilience, especially for those trying swimming for the first time.
Harrogate Racquets Club
As part of our close relationship with Harrogate Racquets Club, children in year 4 learn to play badminton. Children attend Harrogate Racquets Club once a week for six weeks to take part in lessons with an experienced coach. They start off with basic skills before progressing to rallies and matches. The children enjoy this experience and some go on to attend our before school badminton club and other badminton lessons outside of school.
Y5 had an absolutely fantastic time at Harrogate Ladies' College watching Annie!
As well as being treated to a fantastic school production, we were lucky enough to have ice cream at the end too! It was an enjoyable experience for all!
Flamingo Land Rainforest Workshop
Year 3 had the opportunity to bring to life their rainforest learning with a visit to Flamingo Land! We bravely stroked snakes, gazed at George the giraffe who, standing at a height greater than a two-storey building, is one of the tallest giraffes in the country! – and marvelled at Merlin’s and Marvin’s balance and gymnastic ability during the sea lion show! We impressed our hosts with our learning about the different rainforest layers and discovered animals native to each before considering the impact that humans are having upon the environment. Did you know that one football-pitch sized area of tropical rainforest is lost every 6 seconds?